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Tummy Tuck


What is Tummy Tuck?

Achieving a sleek, flat abdomen remains an elusive goal for many, despite rigorous dieting, engaging in sports, undergoing aesthetic slimming treatments, and even liposuction. For those who have reached their ideal weight, yet struggle with remaining abdominal folds and contours, abdominoplasty emerges as a viable solution. This surgical intervention, particularly relevant after multiple pregnancies or significant weight loss, involves a substantial financial investment, often ranging between £4500 and £6000 in the UK, and may not be covered by the NHS if deemed aesthetic.

Abdominoplasty Explained
Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is a procedure designed to eliminate excess skin and fat and fortify the abdominal wall, yielding a youthful and taut appearance. Unlike liposuction, it is a more comprehensive surgery requiring general anesthesia and can involve different techniques based on the patient's needs, from mini-abdominoplasties for lower abdominal fat to full abdominoplasties for more extensive modifications.


Ideal Candidates for Abdominoplasty
Abdominoplasty caters to individuals who have not seen results from other fat reduction methods and are looking to remove unsightly excess skin and fat. It is particularly suited for those past childbearing or who have achieved significant weight loss, aiming to restore self-esteem and physical appearance.

Timing and Considerations for Surgery
Optimal timing, such as post-childbearing years or after reaching a stable weight, is crucial for abdominoplasty candidates. The procedure is advised against during periods of potential weight fluctuation to preserve surgical outcomes. Autumn is considered the ideal season for surgery, allowing patients to recover and unveil their results by the following summer.

Risks and Surgical Process
As with any surgery, abdominoplasty carries risks, necessitating a thorough consultation and understanding of the procedure. Preparation involves medical evaluations, cessation of smoking, and avoiding certain medications. The surgery itself varies in complexity, from simple skin removal to more intricate muscle repair, with recovery times spanning weeks to months.

Despite the inherent risks and recovery process, abdominoplasty promises transformative results. Patients can expect a firmer, flatter abdomen after recovery, with results lasting indefinitely with proper weight management and physical activity.

Abdominoplasty stands out as a definitive solution for achieving a flat, contoured abdomen, especially after traditional methods have failed. While the choice to undergo this surgery is significant, the potential for life-changing results, especially when performed by skilled surgeons in renowned medical tourism destinations like Istanbul, makes it a consideration worth exploring for many.

Before / After from Operation Theatre

Difference Between Tummy Tuck and Liposuction

Tummy Tuck

Purpose: Abdominoplasty is designed to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen and to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall. It's particularly beneficial for individuals who have undergone significant weight loss or women who have had multiple pregnancies, leading to stretched skin and separated muscles that cannot be repaired through exercise alone.

Procedure: The surgery involves a horizontal incision across the lower abdomen, from hip to hip, just above the pubic area. Through this incision, excess skin and fat are removed, and the abdominal muscles are tightened with sutures. In cases where there is excess skin above the navel, a second incision around the navel may be necessary to address this area effectively.

Recovery: Abdominoplasty requires a longer recovery period, typically several weeks, with restrictions on physical activity to allow for healing of the muscles and incisions. The procedure results in a scar, which is usually placed low enough to be hidden by underwear or a bikini bottom.

Best For: This procedure is best for individuals with significant amounts of loose, sagging skin and weakened abdominal muscles. It is particularly suited for those looking to achieve a firmer, flatter abdomen with a more defined waistline.


Purpose: Liposuction targets the removal of localized fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. Unlike abdominoplasty, it does not address excess skin or tighten abdominal muscles. It is best for individuals with good skin elasticity and muscle tone who wish to refine their body contour.

Procedure: Liposuction involves making small incisions through which a cannula (a thin tube) is inserted to break up and vacuum out fat from the body. It can be performed on various parts of the body, including the abdomen, to sculpt and reduce fat bulges.

Recovery: The recovery from liposuction is generally quicker than that of abdominoplasty, with most patients being able to return to work and normal activities within a week or two. The procedure leaves small scars, which are usually less noticeable than those from a tummy tuck.

Best For: Liposuction is ideal for individuals who are at or near their ideal body weight but have stubborn fat deposits that do not respond to lifestyle changes. It is not suitable for those with loose skin or significantly weakened abdominal muscles.

Benefits of Tummy Tuck

Improved Abdominal Tone and Posture
  • Muscle Repair: Abdominoplasty often involves the repair of diastasis recti, which is a common condition where the abdominal muscles separate along the midline. This condition frequently occurs after pregnancy or significant weight changes. Repairing the muscle separation can improve core strength and stability.

  • Better Posture: Strengthening the abdominal muscles also supports the spine better, which can lead to improved posture. This can alleviate some types of back pain associated with poor posture and weakened core muscles.

Reduction in Back Pain
  • Core Reinforcement: By tightening the abdominal muscles, a tummy tuck can act similarly to a 'living corset', providing more support to the back. This increased support can alleviate symptoms of back pain, especially lower back pain, by reducing the strain on the back muscles.

Improved Bladder Function
  • Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) Relief: Some women experience stress urinary incontinence, a bladder control problem characterized by the leaking of urine during activities that increase abdominal pressure, such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercise. This condition can be improved after a tummy tuck, especially if the procedure includes the creation of a slight bladder obstruction to support the urethra.

Enhanced Physical Activity
  • Increased Activity Levels: By removing excess skin and fat and strengthening the abdominal core, patients may find it easier and more comfortable to engage in physical activities. Increased mobility can lead to a healthier lifestyle and contribute to weight maintenance or loss.

Psychological and Emotional Benefits
  • Boosted Self-Esteem: The improvement in body shape and contour can significantly enhance an individual's body image and self-confidence. This positive change in appearance often translates into a more active and social lifestyle.

  • Mental Health Improvements: The psychological benefits also extend to reductions in anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues related to body image dissatisfaction.

Reduction in Skin Infections and Irritations
  • Decreased Skin Problems: Removing excess skin, especially in the lower abdomen, can reduce skin-on-skin contact and friction, which often leads to rashes, infections, and other skin irritations. Improved hygiene and comfort are significant benefits for individuals who struggled with these issues preoperatively.

Do you have any concerns ?

Feel free to connect with our experts who can guide you through the whole processwithout any expectations. 

Selected Client Success Stories


1. What is a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen to create a smoother, firmer abdominal profile.


2. Who is the best candidate for a tummy tuck?

Ideal candidates are those at a stable weight, in good health, and with excess skin or fat in the lower abdomen area. It's particularly beneficial for individuals who have experienced significant weight loss, pregnancy, or aging effects.


3. How long does the surgery take?

The surgery typically takes between 3 to 4 hours, depending on the extent of the procedure.


4. What type of anesthesia is used?

General anesthesia is used for a tummy tuck to ensure you are comfortable and pain-free during the procedure.


5. How long is the hospital stay?

Patients are usually required to stay in the hospital for 5 nights following the surgery for proper monitoring and recovery.


6. What is the recovery time for a tummy tuck?

The initial recovery period is about 6 months, with the first 3 months requiring the wearing of a compression garment. Most patients can return to work and light activities within 2 to 4 weeks, avoiding strenuous activities for 4 to 6 weeks.


7. Will I have scars after the surgery?

Yes, there will be a scar, typically located across the lower abdomen. However, it's usually placed in a way that can be hidden under clothing or swimwear.


8. What are the risks associated with a tummy tuck?

While risks are minimized with skilled care, they can include infection, blood clots, scarring, numbness, and bleeding.


9. How should I prepare for my tummy tuck surgery?

Preparation includes discussing your medical history with your surgeon, stopping smoking, and avoiding certain medications as advised. It's also important to have realistic expectations and a positive outlook on the results.


10. How long should I stay in Turkey for my tummy tuck?

A stay of 10 to 14 days in Turkey is recommended to allow for the surgery, initial recovery, and follow-up appointments with your surgeon.


11. Can I combine a tummy tuck with other procedures?

Yes, many patients choose to combine a tummy tuck with other procedures, such as liposuction or breast augmentation, for more comprehensive body contouring results.


12. Why choose Turkey for my tummy tuck surgery?

Turkey is known for its advanced medical facilities, experienced surgeons, and competitive pricing, making it a popular destination for patients seeking high-quality cosmetic surgery abroad.

Recovery After Tummy Tuck

Recovery after a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is a critical phase that requires careful planning and adherence to your surgeon's instructions to ensure the best possible outcomes. The recovery period varies among individuals but typically involves several stages, from immediate post-operative care to the gradual return to daily activities and exercise. Here's a detailed overview of what you can expect during the recovery process after a tummy tuck:

Immediate Post-Operative Period

(First 24-48 Hours)

  1. Hospital Stay: Depending on the extent of your surgery, you may need to stay in the hospital or surgical facility for one to two nights. During this time, your health and well-being will be closely monitored.

  2. Pain Management: You will likely experience pain and discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed pain medication.

  3. Mobility: You'll be encouraged to walk gently and slowly within a day after surgery to promote blood circulation and prevent blood clots.

Early Recovery Phase (First 2 Weeks)

  1. Drains: Surgical drains may be placed to remove excess fluid from the surgical site. These are usually removed within the first week or two.

  2. Compression Garment: You'll be required to wear a compression garment to reduce swelling and support the healing tissues. This needs to be worn for several weeks as directed by your surgeon.

  3. Activity Restrictions: Heavy lifting and strenuous activities should be avoided. You may need to take two to three weeks off work, depending on the nature of your job.

  4. Swelling and Bruising: Expect significant swelling and some bruising, which will gradually improve over the first few weeks.

Intermediate Recovery Phase (Weeks 3-6)

  1. Gradual Increase in Activity: You can gradually start to increase your activity level, but continue to avoid any heavy lifting or vigorous exercise.

  2. Swelling Continues to Subside: Swelling should gradually decrease, and you'll start to see more of the results of your surgery.

  3. Follow-up Visits: You'll have follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress.

Late Recovery Phase (Weeks 6-12)

  1. Resumption of Normal Activities: Most patients can return to their normal activities, including exercise, by six weeks, though some may require more time. Always follow your surgeon's advice.

  2. Continued Healing: Internal healing continues, and scars will start to fade but may take up to a year to mature fully.

Long-term Care and Results

  1. Scar Care: Your surgeon may recommend specific treatments or products to help manage scarring.

  2. Sustaining Results: Maintaining a stable weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise is crucial for sustaining the results of your tummy tuck.

  3. Final Outcome: It may take up to a year or longer for the final results to be fully apparent, as your body continues to heal and adapt.

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