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Breast Implant


Breast implants or breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at enhancing the size and shape of a woman's breasts through the insertion of implants. The surgery involves making an incision in one of three possible locations: the crease under the breast, the armpit, or around the areola. The choice of incision site depends on the patient's anatomy and the specific goals of the breast enhancement procedure. Following the incision, a pocket is created for the implant, which is placed either beneath the breast tissue or the chest wall muscle, directly behind the nipple. The incision is then sutured closed.

Post Surgery
Patients are provided with a surgical bra for support after the procedure and are expected to wear it for several weeks. It's common to experience fatigue, soreness, and discomfort post-operation, which can be managed with prescribed medication. Stitches are typically removed within 7 to 10 days, and swelling should subside within a month.

Risks and Complications
While complications are rare, they can include capsular contracture (tightening of the scar tissue around the implant), excessive bleeding, infection, and changes in nipple sensitivity. Following the surgeon's pre- and post-operative care instructions is crucial to minimize these risks.


Pre-Surgical Tests
Patients undergo laboratory investigations and diagnostic examinations to ensure fitness for surgery. The procedure usually lasts one to two hours and can be performed under general or local anesthesia with sedation.

Side Effects:

  • Temporary pain

  • Swelling

  • Soreness

  • Change in nipple sensation

Breast Implant or Breast Augmentation in Turkey
Turkey is renowned for its high-quality cosmetic surgery services, including breast implant. The country offers comprehensive packages that cover the surgery, accommodation, and transfers, providing a seamless experience for international patients. Turkish plastic surgeons are known for their expertise and use of high-quality silicone gel implants, preferred for their natural feel and appearance.
Selecting the Correct Size for Breast Implants
The decision on the size and shape of the implants is made during a consultation with the plastic surgeon, who will assess the patient's skin elasticity and breast dimension to recommend the most suitable option. While many patients have a preferred size in mind, it's important to heed the surgeon's advice to minimize the risk of complications.

How to Proceed with Breast Implant in Turkey
Interested individuals should start with a consultation to discuss their goals and undergo a pre-surgery evaluation. The surgery typically involves an overnight hospital stay, with a recommended recovery period in Turkey to ensure proper follow-up care.
Most Common Complications
Common complications include capsular contracture, infection, and hematoma, though these risks are minimized with proper care and selection of an experienced surgeon.
Turkey's combination of experienced surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and attractive recovery environments make it a favored destination for those seeking breast augmentation. The country's medical tourism industry is well-equipped to provide patients with a positive experience, enhancing both their appearance and confidence.


  • Surgeon: Board certified, plastic surgeon

  • Length of surgery: 2-3 hours

  • Brand of implants: Mentor

  • Nights in hospital: 1

  • Total days in Turkey: Recommended recovery period

  • Anaesthesia: General anaesthetic

  • Follow up appointments: 1 appointment 5-6 days after surgery

  • Recovery: Up to 6 months


Recovery after breast implant surgery generally lasts about 6 to 8 weeks. Immediately following the surgery, you may feel achy and groggy, especially if the implants were placed under the pectoralis muscle, which can cause tightness or muscle aches. This discomfort typically decreases as the muscles stretch and relax.


The first 3 to 5 days post-surgery might involve the most discomfort, managed with prescribed medication. Minor bleeding at the incision sites is normal. By the end of the first week, over-the-counter pain medications might suffice, and you can gradually return to light daily activities. Soreness and swelling will improve over time, but if your job is physically demanding, you might need to take more than 3 weeks off. Heavy lifting and intense physical activities, like running, should be avoided until your surgeon approves. Detailed Breast Implant Recovery Guide >>

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1. What is breast augmentation or breast implants?
Breast implants, is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at increasing the size, shape, or fullness of the breasts u
sing implants or fat transfer.
2. Who is an ideal candidate for breast implant?
Ideal candidates are individuals who are looking for enhancement in breast size and shape, are physically healthy, have realistic expectations, and are not currently pregnant or breastfeeding.
3. What types of breast implants are available in Turkey?
In Turkey, both saline and silicone breast implants are available. Additionally, fat transfer breast implant is an option for those seeking a more natural approach.
4. How long does the breast implant procedure take?
The procedure typically takes between 1 to 2 hours, depending on the technique used and whether additional procedures are being performed simultaneously.
5. What is the recovery time for breast implant?
Recovery varies, but most patients can return to work and light activities within a week. Full recovery and the final results can take several weeks to months as swelling subsides and the implants settle.
6. Will I have scars after breast implant?
Scars are an inevitable part of surgery, but they are usually placed in inconspicuous areas, such as under the breast fold, around the areola, or in the armpit, to minimize visibility.
7. What are the risks associated with breast implant?
As with any surgery, risks include infection, changes in nipple or breast sensation, implant leakage or rupture, and capsular contracture. Choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon minimizes these risks.
8. How should I prepare for my breast implant surgery in Turkey?
Preparation involves having a detailed consultation with your surgeon, discussing your medical history and any medications you're taking, stopping smoking, and avoiding certain medications as advised by your surgeon.
9. How long should I stay in Turkey after my breast implant surgery?
It is recommended to stay in Turkey for at least 7 to 10 days to allow for initial recovery and follow-up appointments with your surgeon.
10. Can breast implant be combined with other procedures?
Yes, breast implant is often combined with other procedures such as a breast lift for those seeking both enhancement and a lift to address sagging.
11. Why choose Turkey for breast implant?
Turkey is renowned for its advanced medical facilities, highly qualified plastic surgeons, and cost-effective procedures, making it a popular destination for individuals seeking high-quality cosmetic surgery.
12. How much does breast implant cost in Turkey?
Costs vary depending on the type of implants, the complexity of the procedure, and the surgeon's experience. However, prices in Turkey are generally more affordable compared to many Western countries. It's best to consult directly with the clinic or surgeon for an accurate quote.
13. What kind of follow-up care is needed after breast implant?
Follow-up care includes monitoring the healing process, managing discomfort with prescribed medication, wearing a support bra, and attending scheduled follow-up appointments with your surgeon to ensure optimal results.

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