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Liposuction in Turkey is a cosmetic procedure aimed at removing unwanted fat from specific body areas, providing a trimmer appearance for those struggling with stubborn fat not responsive to diet or exercise. Common areas targeted include the belly, thighs, hips, buttocks, back, arms, and under the chin. The procedure, which can last from 1 to 2 hours, may require a hospital stay of one night and a total visit duration of 7 to 10 nights in Turkey.


Ideal candidates for liposuction are those at a stable weight, experiencing unwanted fat deposits due to weight fluctuations or pregnancy. It's important for candidates to have realistic expectations and a positive outlook on the outcome of the surgery.


Preparation for liposuction includes discussing any medical conditions and medications with your surgeon. Patients are advised to stop smoking to minimize complications. Post-operative care involves wearing compression garments for skin remodeling and avoiding strenuous activities for 4 to 6 weeks. Full effects of liposuction typically emerge between 4 to 6 weeks, with a complete recovery in about 3 months.


Liposuction permanently removes fat cells from the treated area, making it difficult for the body to regenerate fat there, although it is not classified as a permanent weight loss solution. Up to 5kg of fat can be removed in a single procedure, with the possibility of treating multiple areas at once. 


Types of Liposuction

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to remove excess fat from specific areas of the body, improving its shape and contours. There are several types of liposuction, each using different techniques and technologies. Here's an overview:


Tumescent Liposuction

This is the most common type of liposuction. It involves injecting a solution into the target area before the fat is removed. The solution contains a saline solution, lidocaine (a local anesthetic), and epinephrine (which contracts blood vessels). This mixture makes the fat easier to remove, reduces blood loss, and provides anesthesia during and after the surgery.


Laser-Assisted Liposuction (LAL)

LAL uses laser energy to liquefy fat cells. A small incision is made, and a laser fiber is inserted to deliver energy directly to fat cells, breaking them down. The liquid fat is then removed through a cannula. This method may also help tighten the skin by stimulating collagen production.


Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction 

UAL uses ultrasound vibrations to liquefy fat cells. Once the cells are liquefied, they can be vacuumed out through a small tube called a cannula. This technique is often used in areas where fat is denser, like the back or male breast tissue.


Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL)

PAL involves a cannula that moves in a rapid back-and-forth motion. This vibration allows the surgeon to pull out tough fat more easily and with less force, potentially reducing pain and swelling after the procedure.


Water Jet-Assisted Liposuction (WAL)

Also known as Body-Jet Liposuction, this technique uses a pressurized stream of saline to dislodge fat. The water jet is gentle enough to not damage surrounding tissues, allowing for a quicker recovery.



A newer, minimally invasive technique that does not require general anesthesia, stitches, or needles. It uses a small, pen-like device to create a 2mm opening to remove fat cells while the patient is awake.


VASER Liposuction

VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. It is a type of ultrasound technology that targets fat cells with minimal damage to other tissues. It's known for producing smooth results and is particularly effective for high-definition liposuction, where precise contours are desired.

Vaser Liposuction

VASER Liposuction is favored in cosmetic surgeries for several reasons, highlighting its unique benefits in sculpting and refining the body's appearance. Here's why it's often chosen for cosmetic procedures:

Precision and Control

VASER Liposuction uses ultrasound technology to target fat cells specifically, leaving surrounding tissues largely unaffected. This precision allows surgeons to sculpt the body with a higher degree of control, making it ideal for detailed areas and for enhancing muscle definition (high-definition liposuction)

Skin Tightening Benefits

The energy from the ultrasound may help to stimulate collagen production in the skin, leading to a natural tightening effect post-surgery. This is particularly beneficial in cosmetic procedures, where the goal is not just fat reduction but also improving the overall appearance and tone of the skin.


VASER Liposuction can be used effectively on almost any part of the body where there's unwanted fat. This versatility makes it a popular choice for patients seeking comprehensive body contouring or targeting specific areas for enhancement.

Possibility of Fat Transfer

Effectiveness on Dense Fat

The ultrasound energy is effective at breaking down dense and fibrous fat tissues, which can be challenging to address with traditional liposuction techniques. This makes VASER Liposuction suitable for areas that are typically harder to treat, such as the back, male chest, or areas with scar tissue from previous surgeries.

Reduced Trauma and Swelling

Because VASER Liposuction is more targeted and less invasive than traditional liposuction, patients often experience less bruising and swelling, making the recovery process smoother and quicker. This is appealing for cosmetic surgery patients who are looking for efficient results with minimal downtime.

Enhanced Fat Removal with Less Effort

The ultrasound technology liquefies fat before removal, making it easier to extract. This can lead to more thorough fat removal with less physical effort from the surgeon, potentially leading to smoother results and a more comfortable experience for the patient.

The quality of fat removed via VASER Liposuction is often superior, making it suitable for fat transfer procedures (such as Brazilian Butt Lifts or facial fat grafting). This is because the fat cells are less damaged during the process, increasing the likelihood of successful grafting.

VASER Liposuction is particularly well-suited for cosmetic surgeries aimed at sculpting and defining the body's contours rather than just fat reduction. Its ability to precisely target fat, combined with the added benefits of reduced trauma and potential skin tightening, makes it a preferred choice for patients and surgeons alike in the realm of aesthetic procedures.

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Feel free to connect with our experts who can guide you through the whole processwithout any expectations. 

Vaser Liposuction works for

VASER Liposuction is versatile and effective for various body parts, particularly because of its ability to precisely target fat while preserving surrounding tissues. It's commonly used for both large and delicate areas, providing significant improvements in body contouring and shaping. Here are some of the body parts where VASER Liposuction can give effective results:


For reducing belly fat and sculpting a more defined abdominal area, including the creation of a "six-pack" appearance through high-definition techniques.


Both for inner and outer thighs, helping to reduce chafing and sculpting a gap between the thighs, if desired.


Effective in reducing 'bat wings' or excess fat in the upper arms, leading to a more toned appearance.


Often used in male patients to treat gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts) by removing fat and glandular tissue, resulting in a firmer, flatter chest area.


Targeting fat around the knees can create a more defined leg line and reduce the appearance of bulky knees.


Flanks/Love Handles

To slim down the sides of the waist and improve the body's silhouette.


To shape and contour, or to reduce size while maintaining natural curves.


Including the upper and lower back areas, to reduce bulges around the bra line or lower back fat deposits.

Chin and Neck

To eliminate a double chin or refine the jawline by removing excess fat around the neck and under the chin, enhancing facial contours.

Calves and Ankles

Slimming down the lower legs, sometimes referred to as "cankle" reduction, for a more proportionate leg shape.

VASER Liposuction is especially effective in these areas due to its ability to selectively target fat without causing significant harm to surrounding tissues, making it ideal for both larger areas of fat removal and more delicate, precise sculpting. The ultrasonic technology also helps in breaking down fibrous tissues, which can be beneficial in areas like the back or male chest. Furthermore, the potential for skin tightening post-procedure adds to its appeal for areas prone to skin laxity after fat removal. As with any cosmetic procedure, the effectiveness and suitability of VASER Liposuction for specific body parts depend on individual factors, including skin elasticity, overall health, and cosmetic goals, which should be discussed with a qualified plastic surgeon.



1. What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to remove excess fat from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, and under the chin, to achieve a more contoured appearance.


2. Who is an ideal candidate for liposuction?

Ideal candidates are individuals at a stable weight who have localized fat deposits not responding to diet and exercise. Candidates should be physically healthy, have realistic expectations, and understand that liposuction is not a weight loss solution.


3. How long does liposuction surgery take?

Liposuction typically takes between 1 to 2 hours per treated area, depending on the volume of fat being removed and the number of areas being treated.


4. Is the fat removal permanent?

Yes, liposuction permanently removes fat cells from the treated areas. However, it is important to maintain a stable weight post-surgery to preserve the results.


5. What is the recovery time for liposuction?

The initial recovery period can take up to 3 months, with most patients able to resume normal activities within a few weeks. Full results typically become visible after the swelling subsides, around 4 to 6 weeks post-surgery.


6. Will I have scars after liposuction?

Small incisions are required for the procedure, which may result in minimal scarring. However, surgeons aim to make incisions in discreet locations to minimize visible scarring.


7. What are the risks associated with liposuction?

While risks are minimal under the care of experienced surgeons, potential complications can include irregularities, fluid accumulation, infection, and bleeding.


8. How much fat can be removed in one session?

Up to 5kg of fat can be removed in a single liposuction session, although the exact amount will depend on the individual's health and surgical goals.


9. Can liposuction be combined with other procedures?

Yes, liposuction is often combined with other cosmetic procedures, such as tummy tucks, for enhanced body contouring results.


10. Why choose Turkey for liposuction?

Turkey is known for its highly skilled plastic surgeons, state-of-the-art medical facilities, and competitive pricing, making it a popular destination for patients seeking high-quality cosmetic surgery abroad.


11. What does the cost of liposuction in Turkey include?

The cost typically includes the surgeon's fee, anesthesia, hospital stay, pre- and post-operative consultations, and sometimes hospital and airport transfers.


12. How should I prepare for liposuction surgery in Turkey?

Preparation includes having a thorough consultation with your surgeon, disclosing any medical conditions and medications, and following specific instructions such as stopping smoking before the surgery.


13. How long should I stay in Turkey after my liposuction procedure?

A stay of 7 to 10 days is recommended to allow for initial recovery and follow-up appointments with your surgeon.


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