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Arm Lift

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Arm lift surgery in Turkey is an increasingly popular procedure designed to reshape and contour the upper arms by removing excess skin and fat. This surgery addresses the concerns many have with 'bat wings' – the loose and flabby skin that often results from aging, weight loss, or genetics. Performed under general anesthesia, the surgery takes about 3 hours, with patients usually required to stay in the hospital for 2 nights and remain in Turkey for approximately 10 nights for optimal recovery.

Ideal candidates are those noticing saggy skin around the upper arms, have been at a stable weight for at least a year, and are physically healthy and emotionally stable. The goal of an arm lift is not to drastically change one's appearance but to enhance confidence and comfort in one's body.

Preparation for the procedure includes a thorough discussion of medical history, medications, and surgical expectations. Smoking cessation is crucial to minimize the risk of complications. Following surgery, patients may need to wear compression garments and avoid strenuous activities for 4 to 6 weeks to aid healing. Risks, while minimized under the care of skilled surgeons, include scarring, infection, fluid accumulation, and bleeding.

In Turkey, world-class medical facilities and highly experienced surgeons offer arm lift surgery at competitive prices, making it an attractive destination for medical tourists seeking quality and affordability. Additional procedures for comprehensive body contouring, such as tummy tucks or liposuction, may also be considered for enhanced results.

Do you have any concerns ?

Feel free to connect with our experts who can guide you through the whole processwithout any expectations. 

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1. What is an arm lift surgery?

An arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to reshape and tone the upper arms by removing excess skin and fat, addressing issues commonly referred to as 'bat wings.'


2. Who is an ideal candidate for arm lift surgery?

Ideal candidates are those with loose and droopy skin around the upper arms, have maintained a stable weight for at least one year, and are in good physical and emotional health.


3. How long does the arm lift procedure take?

The procedure typically takes about 3 hours to complete and is performed under general anesthesia.


4. What is the recovery time after arm lift surgery?

Recovery time can vary, but most patients are advised to take it easy for the first 2 weeks, with a full recovery period of about 3 months. Strenuous activities should be avoided for 4 to 6 weeks.


5. Will I have scars after arm lift surgery?

Yes, scarring is an inevitable part of the procedure, running from the armpit to the elbow along the inside of the arm. However, these scars are usually placed in less visible areas and tend to fade over time.


6. What are the risks associated with arm lift surgery?

While risks are minimized with skilled care, they can include scarring, infection, fluid accumulation, bleeding, and potential changes in skin sensation.


7. How should I prepare for my arm lift surgery in Turkey?

Preparation includes discussing your medical history and current medications with your surgeon, stopping smoking, and following any specific instructions provided by your healthcare team.


8. How long is the hospital stay for arm lift surgery in Turkey?

Patients are generally required to stay in the hospital for 2 nights under general anesthesia for monitoring and initial recovery.


9. How long should I plan to stay in Turkey for my arm lift surgery?

A 10-night stay is recommended to ensure adequate post-operative care and follow-up consultations with your surgeon.


10. What does post-operative care involve for arm lift surgery?

Post-operative care includes wearing compression garments, managing discomfort with medication, and following your surgeon's instructions on activity levels and incision care.


11. Can I combine arm lift surgery with other procedures?

Yes, many patients opt to combine arm lift surgery with other body contouring procedures, like tummy tucks or liposuction, for more comprehensive results.


12. Why choose Turkey for arm lift surgery?

Turkey offers world-class medical facilities, experienced plastic surgeons, and competitive pricing, making it a popular destination for patients seeking high-quality cosmetic procedures in a cost-effective manner.

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